Fungal Contamination & Infection Attorneys
Louisiana Severe Injury Lawyer With Over 80 Years' of Experience
Hospitals must have proper infection and contamination control procedures in order to prevent outbreaks and transmission to patients. Staff members must be educated on hygiene and sanitation, and the administration must maintain adequate facilities.
If you have suffered from an infection or fungal contamination in a hospital environment or nursing home, Plotkin, Vincent & Jaffe can represent you. Our law firm can accept cases involving serious injuries caused by infections acquired at the hospital due to infections from fungal or bacterial contamination.
The attorneys at our law firm have worked for years at large corporate law firms in defense litigation. We understand the claims process from both perspectives and are equipped to handle multi-faceted cases that involve complex injuries.
Who Is Most At Risk
While any individual can contract an infection while receiving treatment in a hospital, certain groups of people are more vulnerable than others and certain risk factors can increase the likelihood of acquiring an infection. Young children, the elderly, and those with certain medical conditions and immunity disorders are more susceptible to infection. In addition, length of stay, wounds, high-risk surgeries, and certain types of procedures can put certain people at greater risk for infection.
Contact Our Law Firm: (855) 916-2963
Find out more about filing a claim when you contact an attorney at our law firm. We can review your medical records and discuss whether we are able to move forward with your claim.
Start with a consultation: (855) 916-2963.